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Tips for a successful listing

Make sure the house is clean and neat, with beds made and laundry and dishes put away.


For open houses, a bouquet of fresh flowers on the dining table is a nice touch. Wipe down bathroom counters, sinks, and kitchen surfaces daily with spray cleaner. Keep showers and tubs clean and toilet seats down. Do not leave dishrags and used towels on display.


Avoid heavy frying or cooking strong-smelling foods. If you or your family members smoke, please refrain from smoking inside your home during the time the home is listed on the market. If possible, open windows and air out the house every morning. Potpourri can also help freshen up rooms. Try to steer clear of plug-in air fresheners as they can easily be too strong and overwhelm potential buyers. They may also make a buyer wonder what odor you are trying to mask. 


Keep bathroom and kitchen counters free of clutter, especially items of a personal nature.


Check for nicks, fingerprints, and smudges around doorways or on walls, and if needed, do paint touch-ups.


If a room is full of furniture, remove some pieces for a more spacious appearance.


Remove clutter from all rooms, including newspapers, magazines, family photos, etc. Remember, open spaces create a sense of calm and rest, while clutter subconsciously makes people uneasy. Focus the buyer’s attention on the house, not on your personal items.


If you have a pet, make sure the pet is gone from the home during showings. Empty litter boxes daily and pick up any droppings in the yard. Keep the pet’s area neat, clean, and fresh-smelling.


Loose doorknobs and cabinet handles; sticky doors, windows, and drawers; and wobbly hinges all detract from your home’s appeal. Make sure that everything works smoothly.


TIP 10
Remove any noticeable dirt or spots from carpets. Consider having the carpets cleaned if noticeably soiled.


TIP 11
Repair any leaky faucets, gurgling toilets, or other mechanical fixtures that need attention.


TIP 12
Replace any torn shades or broken blinds. Open windows blinds and drapes for showings.


TIP 13
If any room appears dark, increase the wattage of your light bulbs. Energy efficient bulbs, while good for the environment, do not always cast the best light and can take a long time to illuminate a room; consider replacing them while the home is listed. Replace any burned out light bulbs. Be sure that light fixtures and windows are clean.


TIP 14
Do not place furniture in front of picture windows or sliders; you want to show off the views and enable buyers to look out the windows easily.


TIP 15
If closets or storage areas appear crowded, buyers may think there is not enough storage space in your house. Remove any items you don’t need. 


TIP 16
Organize the garage and basement to make them as spacious as possible. Again, this is a good way to prepare to move too!


TIP 17
Be sure to secure any valuables, personal papers, financial records, and prescription medicines out of sight and in a safe place.


TIP 18
In general, think about how builders present model homes. Visit a few model homes for simple and inexpensive ideas to show your home in the best light.


Plant easy-care, colorful flowers (i.e., geraniums) near entrances and in the garden area. Flower containers add color and make a nice impression around the front door and deck.


Keep grass, shrubs, and trees trimmed and watered. Remove weeds along walks and driveway, and in flowerbeds.


Touch up any painted areas that need attention, especially around the doors. Check for any fingerprints or smudges around doors, both outside and inside, and on windows. (Mr Clean Magic Erasers are your best friend for this!)


Position lawn and patio furniture in an attractive manner. Make sure it is kept clean.


Brush away any spider webs and leaves around the house and keep the porch and deck swept.


Put any lawn tools, trash cans, building materials, sporting equipment, etc. out of sight.


Keep the garage door closed.

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