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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Coulier


Check for Winter Damage

Walk all around your home looking closely for any damage incurred over the winter months. Take steps to correct it now before it can get bigger and more costly. Watch for shingles that are loose or missing, siding that’s damaged, gutter and downspout damage, and cracks in the sidewalks or driveway.

Check Screen Doors and Windows

Screens keep the bugs out and let the breezes in. Make them part of your full inspection looking for tears or holes. Even the smallest holes can let in those pesky mosquitoes. Repair kits are available at hardware stores.

Inspect the Foundation

In your walk around your home, pay special attention to your foundation. Snow and ice can open up basement or crawl space cracks that let in snowmelt as well as summer rain and storms.

Clean Up the Yard

That white pristine snow cover can hide a lot of debris that falls from our trees. Remove the fallen tree limbs, rake up all those leaves that you missed in the fall, and put down fresh mulch. It’s a great deal of work but you’ll be rewarded with a great-looking yard.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

Spring is ideal for trimming your trees and shrubs. Make sure you cut back any limbs hanging over your home and threatening to come down in a storm. Also, trim back branches to improve airflow and sunlight. This will reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth.

Clean Out Gutters and Downspouts

With all our trees and leaves, we need to clean out gutters and downspouts twice a year. Keeping them flowing during rainstorms is vital to making sure water doesn’t pool around your foundation, finding cracks, and entering your basement or crawl space.

Clear Outdoor Drainage

Work over your buried drains, storm drains, and other rainwater management systems. Include your downspout extensions on this list. Clear out any clogs with a plumbing snake, then wash out pipes with a garden hose. It’s important to get them clear before the rains start.

Inspect Outdoor Plumbing

Freezing weather doesn’t help anything that’s outdoors. Check your outdoor faucets, heat pump or AC unit, pool equipment, and anything else that’s spent the winter outside.

Test Irrigation Systems

This system needs to be fully tested to identify any broken pipes, valves, or sprinkler heads. Run it through all the zones and walk each one to make sure it’s working correctly. It’s also a good time to make adjustments to ensure last year’s dry spot is fixed.

Reseed Lawn Bare Spots

Spring is the perfect time to get your lawn off to a good start. Look for bare or thin spots and reseed with a matching type of grass. Try a lawn seed blanket on slopes to keep the seed in place while it germinates and sets roots.

Maintain Foundation Landscaping

Make sure window wells are clear of plant growth, drained, and sealed against rain. Snow and ice can do damage here while you’re not looking. Trim shrubs away from the foundation and watch for root growth near the foundation.

Inspect for Pest Evidence

Check around the foundation as well as the roof eaves for pest evidence. Ants, termites, and burrowing animals cause damage at ground level. Bats, birds, squirrels, and flying insects can damage your roof. Prevent their entry by sealing any cracks or holes you find.

Power Wash the Deck and Siding

This is the time to get all the winter grime off your deck and siding. Pressure washing can make this pretty straightforward. Make sure you use the correct pressure setting that matches the wood and siding. As an example, some vinyl siding companies recommend using liquid soap to avoid damage to the finish.

Reseal Woodwork

Decks, trellises, fences, and other outdoor structures need regular maintenance. Spring is a perfect time to stain and reseal them. It’s also a good time to make any needed repairs.

Schedule HVAC Service

It’s going to be hot and humid soon. It’s best to have your air conditioning system in top shape to keep your family cool this summer. Regular HVAC maintenance can also identify any problems early before they become a major disaster.


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